Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Quiet Folk Art Sales. Perhaps Naive is redundant? What about Trompe L'oeil?

In fact, sales have completely dried up at all of my sites. Modern, colorful and wild abstracts seem to be popular, but I can only paint what I love...my naive figures, land, city and seascapes. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I had promised to post my trompe l'oeil food painting, "Light Lunch", but I forgot. A bit late, by four months, but here it is:

Naturally, this made me hungry. It didn't help that I try to live without dairy. Guess this was my response.

In thinking about the lack of sales, I remind myself that I don't paint with a view to selling. It's never been a livelihood for me, and I don't think I could handle that kind of pressure if it was. Daily Paint Works suggested I should paint more regularly - be more visible on, say, a weekly basis. But I can only paint when the urge is greatest. My work isn't a product that I can simply whip up, following a tried and true template. I surprise myself with the paintings I create. I need that little touch of wonder when new places or people present themselves. Where did they come from? Magic.

I have a lot of followers, people who like what I do, and I am always grateful for that, but the occasional buyer is very rewarding, all the same. I remember every single one of them, even decades after I sold to them. They are like my family, almost, sometimes sending a photograph of my art on their wall, in their living room or kitchen.

I love that.

See you soon. Getting some art rumblings again. It's been a while. I imagine a lot of my paints have dried out.