Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Me! and MolMolly at Etsy

These wonderful pieces of art are by MolMolly of Etsy, an accomplished painter with a huge stash of glee up her sleeve, and they are perfect for Whimsy Friday. I'm mainly featuring her cats today, but she seems to like birds and ladies, too. I can just imagine how she'd illustrate a new version of Alice in Wonderland. I wonder if she's been approached?

It's my birthday today, so I'm treating myself to these as if they were birthday cards.

Check MolMolly's huge range of paintings and prints at her Etsy shop. Pretend it's your birthday.

Buy a cake. Invite some friends. And have a lovely weekend.


marysgranddaughter said...

Happy birthday to you! I hope your next year on this earth will be the best yet! Thanks for sharing MolMolly's work!

Anonymous said...

The paintings are beautiful and Happy Birthday (belated) Fran!! ☺

Anonymous said...

Me again! I have an award for you on my blog whenever you get a chance ☺