Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Luvs2Paint at Etsy - Gentle Paintings from Nature

Brenda Thour Luvs2Paint at Etsy and is an artist who works in both oils and water colors, taking delightful themes from nature, including birds and wild animals. She is a romantic, I think, considering her soft and gentle approach to brush work and subjects. There is such a sense of peace in these paintings.

Brenda sells a variety of art, other than the originals I'm featuring today. Below is an example of her exquisite pendants:

I'm delighted to feature her here today. I'm now totally relaxed and ready to face the world. Thanks, Brenda. You are, incidentally, the 101st artist to appear on this page.

1 comment:

Krissy Lynnae said...

Wow, I love her stuff. Very detailed.