Friday, July 17, 2009

Lady Bug Circus at Etsy, and Me

Lady Bug Circus is a neat place to visit. This innovative artist uses recyled tin, soda cans, anything she can get her hands on, and cuts out images, then collages them to plywood to make unique pictures. The one below of the stressed bears is just one example. The dark blurb at her store about these teddies is worth the read, but not for the gentle-hearted, and definitely not for very little kids.

The delightful birdies here, flying around your living room eventually, it's hoped, are equally fun. They are not toys! We must always emphasize this when describing decorative art. I find them charming, and I'm sure my cats would agree too.

These are yet more examples of artwork that you're unlikely to find anywhere else. One of a kind has never been truer. Go check out her other creations at Lady Bug Circus at Etsy.

I sold one of my paintings last week. This is such a novelty for me - things have been very slow - that I thought I'd announce it. One of my lovely customers from a couple of years back chased me down through Google (I'm no longer selling on eBay, which is where we originally had dealings) and pounced on me out of the blue. She wanted to order a couple of custom pieces, which I can't handle until the fall and she's happy with that, but then she dug around and found my work on Etsy, and - voila! - she bought Spring Fair.

To replace the fair painting at Etsy, I've now listed "Stay Very, Very Still", which I'd offered some time back, but felt it should be unveiled again. And it doesn't hurt to remind you that I do still offer my paintings there for sale. Sometimes I almost forget that myself.

Last, I found this really funny video at another blog yesterday, and have shamelessly 'borrowed' it to get you in the mood for the weekend. Do, do, open the link and enjoy Evian Babies.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Benedetta said...

I have nominated you for an award, if you'd like to pick it up, stop by my blog. :-)