I am so energized these days, so much feedback to digest. Anyway, for all of you who wondered why I was spending so much time on my writing problems, worry no more. I've decided to get a separate blog page, just as soon as I have several hours to spare setting it up. Heather Wardell has been so helpful with links to agents and writing-related blogs, and I can't wait to get it up and running.

My Painting (untitled) Scooter Girl, Montrose, California, has more or less been approved as on the right track. I've taken the brave step of showing it to you in its very raw state. Thought you might like to see my process. I'll be getting it more into shape today, and will put up the next stage tomorrow.
As an aside, because US politics is so fascinating, I am interested in your thoughts about Madeleine Albright as Treasury Secretary. Here is an outstandingly brilliant woman, an excellent Secretary of State with the Clinton administration, not too old (same age as me, I think, so watch your comments) and totally comfortable with international heads of state. This economy is such a global issue that we need that kind of knowledge. She's presently with Jim Leach at the G20 conference, and I'm sure she's doing just fine. Thoughts?
Oh, that snow finally arrived yesterday, gone today, but it has left a fine scattering on the lawns and in the gutters. Very cold. It is a beautiful, sunny day, however. Most things are bearable with the sun out.
I really must get back to the Montrose painting.
Welcome to fam! It's great to have you here. You do not live that far from me. =D
So FAMtastic to finally meet you, FRAN! Esther told us you might pop in! Keep on comin' home to the chic chats...sometimes we need help and sometimes we just cut loose and go crazy!
Your style is delicious!
Thank you, Fam Girls. Don't forget to "follow" me, so that I can see on you on my page.
come and talk with. these women are wonderful!!!
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