Friday, February 6, 2009

For the Creative Momma - A Video Tribute

I could have used 'Mom' in this title, but the word is 'Mum' in most of Britain, and I must be fair. I figure everyone accepts 'Momma', with its cool connotation.

I have never uploaded a video to this blog, but I had to show you this one.
It's a little giggle for all the creative mothers out there struggling with jobs, housework, making ends meet, AND raising children, the most demanding job of all. I've found a lot of very creative mommas through Etsy who might just appreciate it, including the Fabulous Creative Moms. (Check them out.)

Don't worry if you can't follow everything she's singing, because there are subtitles.

Here is The Mom Song:

I'd like to think I wasn't like this when my kids were growing up, but I suspect I was at times. I wonder how my children remember it? Being a mother isn't always easy; if it were too easy, I'd be sorry for the kids. Of course, it's all resolved by the time they are about 24, or 30, or was it 34?...I can't remember.

That's all for today. I really don't think I can top this with my usual art feature.

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