Ron offers original paintings and prints of his work at his shop at Etsy in all price ranges, and there definitely will be something there that you'll want. In addition, he paints custom portraits, a delightful opportunity for you to display your best (furry) friend. Check Ron out at Dog Art Studio at Etsy.
As I was working here this morning, I was thinking a lot about Kit Courteney's dog, Eric, who hasn't been well, although things seem to be looking up for him today. Consider this blog a little Get-Well card from all your buddies, Eric. Hugs from all of us!
I've urged you before to click on the Animal Rescue Site button. Each free click guarantees .6 of a bowl of food to a rescued animal through their sponsorship program, and those clicks really add up!
The site is really interesting to animal lovers, and I came across this yesterday. These are T-Shirts, the almost three-dimensional kind. These would make great gifts for dog and cat lovers who want to make a bold statement.

Go on, go to that big purple paw button at the side, and click it now. Gotta love our animals...
I'm going to cry now!
These painting are just delightful. The colours are so fresh and luscious.
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